All about D-100 Drywall Corner Bead; D-200 Drywall Metal Trim; D-300 Drywall Reveal Trim

Recently completed a drywall installation project in downtown Toronto. What was unusual about this project is the type of drywall trim that we used. It is called D300 Drywall Trim and it is used to add a modern and unique touch to the interior design. This metal trim eliminates the need for baseboards creating reveals around the perimeter of the room and/or around windows and doors. This simple design approach at low investment and effort instantly gives your home a modern look.

D300 Drywall Trim is designed to provide crisp clean reveals around openings or at ceiling and floors. The holes and knurled surface provides an excellent ‘key’ for finishing with joint compound.
In the project mentioned above we installed the D300 molding around the entire perimeter of the walls creating 5” reveals from the floors. It definitely made an interesting interior expression with walls looking like they “float” inside the room.

With this Z-shaped pre-fabricated drywall construction you can intensify the “floating” effect by creating reveals at the top and bottom of your walls. This approach allows you to achieve an impression of an open plan and uninterrupted continuous line.

While traditional approach requires usage of base and crown moldings to hide imperfect transition from wall to ceiling and floor to wall, the D300 metal trim gives you a modern alternative that would serve the same goal but look much cleaner and less clustered.

If you favour modern aesthetics and would like to shift from traditional design, definitely consider using this fairly easy to construct type of drywall trim.

This is how this speciality metal trim looks in action

Since we already started talking about different types of drywall trims, it is worthwhile to mention the D-100 drywall corner bead and D-200 metal trims. The D-100 corner bead is used for corners to reinforce and provide excellent protection.

The D-200 drywall metal trim provides a neat finish and solid protection to gypsum wallboard at window and doorjambs where wood trim is omitted.
Drywall metal trim
The usage of both types of trims is characteristic to any quality drywall installation and ensures neat, sturdy and reliable base for further design elements.’s portfolio features a couple of projects where the usage of D300 drywall trim was required over which we gained experience and expertise dealing with this type of material.

If you consider installing your interior walls with modern aesthetics in mind, give us a call for more information and customized solutions.

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